THE MODERNS and the American Dream 1920’s and The great gatsby
Disillusionment Disillusionment A loss of naïve faith or trust Does everyone reach their dreams? What happens to people when they fail to reach their dreams? Disillusionment A loss of naïve faith or trust naive = ? (hint- vocab word from The Crucible) Example: Going to a movie you’ve looked forward to, and it’s terrible. How does that make you feel about future movies?
What is Modernism? When: After WWI Why? Americans lost their innocence and were becoming cynical new morals were developing they were disillusioned with tradition What it did: Rejected traditional themes and styles of writing (OLD American Lit Textbook pgs 524-528)
THE AMERICAN DREAM THREE Main Ideas: 1. America is an Eden. a perfect place (a utopia). a land of beauty, bounty, and UNLIMITED promise 2. Americans are optimistic. a positive outlook on life (The glass is half FULL.) constant opportunities and abundance of resources believe in PROGRESS life would continually get better and better 3. Americans are self-reliant. relying on one's own abilities and decisions putting trust in one’s own potential
Look at your collage How is YOUR idea of the American Dream similar to the three main ideas? How is it different? Assignment: 1. Write TWO complete sentences on the back of your collage comparing it with the three main ideas of the American Dream. 2. Write TWO complete sentences on the back of your collage contrasting it with the three main ideas of the American Dream. If you don’t feel that there is a contrast, explain why.