Bienvenue / Welcome to 4-5 French Immersion
Introductions French Immersion teachers are : Mlle Margo Dallaire, 4D Mlle Jolene Duplessis, 4-5D Mme Erika Everill, 5E
Other teachers are… Gym: Ms. Fraser Music: Mrs. Berry Art: Mrs. Ward, Ms. Fraser Gym: Ms. Fraser Music: Mrs. Berry English: Mrs. McCarron and Mrs. Sollows
Lunch : If the students are ordering from the cafeteria, please have your child’s money and order completed at home. Place order in a sealed baggie. There is no micro-wave available for the students to use. There are a lot of extra-curricular activities offered at lunchtime, before and after school. Ask your child to pay attention to morning announcement for specific information on times and dates.
Behavior Program L.E.A.R.N. (School wide) Look and Listen Excited and Engaged Accepting of Others Responsible and Respectful Never Give Up Yellow is just a warning Red will result in time spent at the learning lab. Positive reinforcement strategies are also used in the classroom to encourage good behavior.
Homework / Agenda The Importance of reading regularly in French (15 minutes every day) Sometimes your child will have projects and oral presentations to finish at home.
Curriculum Math : flexible groupings Reading: flexible groupings Newsletters
To contact us... A written note in your child’s agenda is an easy way to reach us. Please remind your child to tell her teacher if there is a note. By email : , , (listed on the school’s website)
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