Definition: a word used to connect words or groups of words conjunctions Definition: a word used to connect words or groups of words
Conjunction Junction, what’s your function?
Common conjunctions And But Or For Nor Yet whenever Although Because While Wherever Since unless
Coordinating conjunctions A conjunction placed between two words, phrases, clauses, or sentences of equal rank Easy to remember! Think FANBOYS For And Nor But Or Yet So
Coordinating conjunctions Coordinating conjunctions can connect two complete sentences IF you use a comma. I wanted to go to the store. I didn’t want to wait in line. I wanted to go to the store, but I didn’t want to wait in line. John wants to play basketball. He loves baseball. How would you join those two sentences with a conjunction?
Other functions Conjunctions can also connect words or phrases. Connect phrases Conjunctions can also connect words or phrases. For example: I love cookies, candy, and syrup. NOTE THE COMMA BEFORE AND On vacation, we went to the zoo, swam in the ocean, and played on the beach. NOTE THE COMMA BEFORE AND
Interjections Words or short phrases that show strong emotion or surprise in a sentence. They act like crashing symbols – bang! The reader is suddenly alert.
Identify the Interjections Hey – could you lend me a pencil? Gosh! The lead broke. Good grief – could you loan me another pencil? Seriously! Could you lend me another pencil? Holy cow! You’re my best friend! Interjections must be set off with punctuation. Exclamation point (!) Comma (,) Dash ( - )