Carbohydrates Description: Role: Sources: Body’s main source of energy Glucose glycogen (stored in fat) Sources: Simple – sugars (ex. Fruits) Complex – starches (ex. Bread, pasta, rice)
Proteins Description: Role: Sources: build & maintain body cells & tissues Role: Amino acids promote cell growth Sources: Complete – contain ALL a.a. (ex. fish, meat, eggs) Incomplete – contain some a.a (ex. peanut butter, beans)
Fats Description Role Sources Lipids that do NOT dissolve in H2O Provide energy, transport vitamins, aid in growth & healthy skin, insulation Sources Saturated – solid @ room temp (ex. Butter) Unsaturated – liquid @ room temp (ex. Vegetable oil)
Vitamins Description: Role: Sources: Help regulate many vital body processes Role: digestion, absorption, & metabolism of other nutrients Sources: Fat-soluble – stored in fat (ex. Vit A, D, E, K) Water-soluble – dissolve (ex. Vit B, C, folic acid)
Minerals Description: Role: Sources: body canNOT manufacture Form bones/teeth & regulate body processes Sources: Trace – small amounts (ex. Calcium & iron) Electrolytes – aid in hydration (ex. Magnesium)
Water Description Role: Sources- water Hydrogen & oxygen Transport waste, nutrients, lubricates joints, mucous, aid in digestion, absorb nutrients, eliminate waste, hydration Sources- water
“Super foods” Beans: fiber and iron. Darker-colored beans, such as black and kidney, have an even higher concentration of healthy stuff. Apricots: Vitamin A and other nutrients. Dried apricots are even more nutritious, and portable, than fresh ones. Prunes Blueberries: Cranberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries are highly recommended for healthy aging. maintain short-term memory, blueberries contain high levels of antioxidants. Broccoli & cauliflower: prevent certain cancers.
Cacao: dark chocolate Peanut Butter: Nuts are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which can help fight heart disease. Almonds, in particular, are known for lowering cholesterol. Turkey: Cinnamon: Studies suggest that it can lower cholesterol and help control blood sugar (diabetics take note!). Pomegranate juice: This antioxidant-rich juice has been shown to help fight heart disease and lower cholesterol. Yogurt: good for intestinal health. Oats: Whole-grain goodies, such as oat bran breakfast cereal (like Cheerios), oatmeal and whole grain breads help lower your cholesterol and increase fiber intake. Avocado: avocado salsa, Guacamole Avocados are high-calorie, improve blood flow, which increases brain activity.