To identify similes and metaphors Lesson Objective To identify similes and metaphors To use similes and metaphors in our writing
Similes and Metaphors Similes are when... … you compare two things using ‘like’ or ‘as’. Metaphors are when… …when you compare two things as if they are the same.
Last lesson we talked about the difference between a metaphor and a simile. The man was a pig. She ran like the wind Love is like a red rose. He’s a wizard with computers. He was as cool as a cucumber. The sun is a yellow duster. His hands were as cold as ice. My bedroom is a tip. I’m as light as a feather.
TASK Complete the worksheet provided. Can you show understanding of similes and metaphors?
ONOMATOPOEIA – where a word makes the sound of the thing it describes.
The Sea by James Reeves
The sea is a hungry dog, Giant and grey. He rolls on the beach all day The sea is a hungry dog, Giant and grey. He rolls on the beach all day. With his clashing teeth and shaggy jaws Hour upon hour he gnaws The rumbling, tumbling stones, And 'Bones, bones, bones, bones!' The giant sea-dog moans, Licking his greasy paws.
And when the night wind roars And the moon rocks in the stormy cloud, He bounds to his feet and snuffs and sniffs, Shaking his wet sides over the cliffs, And howls and hollers long and loud.
But on quiet days in May or June, When even the grasses on the dune Play no more their reedy tune, With his head between his paws He lies on the sandy shores, So quiet, so quiet, he scarcely snores.
Now you are going to try writing your own sea poem Now you are going to try writing your own sea poem. You need to use similes and metaphors in order to describe the sea as an animal. You must also include an example of onomatopoeia.
Choose one of the tasks below: Write three lines to describe the sea as each of the animals on the right. Write your whole sea poem about one of the animals on the right. Write your poem about one animal of your choice.
Now swap books with your partner Now swap books with your partner. You need to mark their work using the following guidelines. Use one colour to highlight all the similes they have used. Use another colour to highlight all the metaphors they have used. Give them one tick for every time they have used an onomatopoeia.
Why use similes and metaphors when writing poems? Plenary Why use similes and metaphors when writing poems?