How much DNA do I share with a fruit fly? 36%
How much DNA do I share with a chimpanzee? 98%
How much DNA do I share with a zebra fish? 73%
How much DNA do I share with bacteria? 7%
How much DNA do I share with mustard grass? 15%
How much DNA do I share with a round worm? 21%
How much DNA do I share with a dog? 84%
REVIEW: DOMAIN Eukaryote Archaea Bacteria PROKARYOTES!
EUKARYOTE Animalia Plantae Fungi Protista SIX KINGDOMS Animalia Bacteria Archaea EUKARYOTE Animalia Plantae Fungi Protista
Kung Pao Chicken Or Fried Ginger Shrimp King Phillip Came Over For Golden Shoes Kung Pao Chicken Or Fried Ginger Shrimp Kingdom - Animalia Phylum - Chordata Class - Mammalia Order - Primates Family - Hominidae Genus - Homo Species - Sapiens YOU!
The more names in common down the hierarchy, the more closely related the two organisms are. Which two organisms are most closely related?
What is a Phylogenetic Tree? Another way scientists organize the evolutionary relationships among organisms As you go further back in the tree, you go back in time to an older common ancestor Each intersection represents a common ancestor between two species. Branching out means natural selection lead to speciation of that common ancestor. Organisms branched closer together on the tree are most closely related biologically
How do I read Phylogenetic Trees? The number of branches between two organisms DECREASES as they become more closely related. The number of branches between two organisms INCREASES as they become more distantly related. What is the closest related species to species C in the 1st tree? D What species is the most different from species C in the 2nd tree? A What species is most closely related to species C in the 2nd tree? D What is the closest ancestor to species B in the 3rd tree? A
1. Which is the oldest organism according to the cladogram. Shark 2 1. Which is the oldest organism according to the cladogram? Shark 2. Who is most closely related to the bird? Dinosaur (T-Rex) 3. Which organism evolved around the same time as the frog? Lizard
How did scientists classify organisms? Based relatedness in terms of… Physical characteristics/fossil records Biochemistry (DNA, amino acids/proteins)
How do I compare the biochemistry of organisms? Organisms with more similar DNA base pair sequences and/or amino acid chains are more related to each other
A. Species 1 B. Species 2 C. Species 3 D. Species 4