Industrial work
Work Industrial sociology is closely related to work. Work is a universal phenomenon. “work” has got specific meaning in industrial sociology. Work is the physical or mental effort or activity directed toward the production or accomplishment of something. Economist’s definition: works is labour and one of the major factors of production consisting of manual or mental exertion for which payments such as wages, salaries or occupational fees are received. Pascaul Gisbert: “ work is a human activity directed to an object.”
Nature/characteristics/features/elements of work By analyzing the definition of work, some elements or features of it here become apparent: Work considered as a piece of work itself. Work is the human effort or activity. Work may be defined as a creation of labour. It is an effort personal in its origin. It is fraternal in its ends. Work is destined or testing for the service or humanity. It is transitive (Flexible ) in nature. It is addressed or directed to an object. It is related to society. Each society has its own structure or work relations. Work must have social permission. It must approved by social value and norms.
Why do people work? Or Reasons for doing work Man work for a wide range of motives among which one’s education, culture and tradition play and important role. Motives are changed over time in one’s career life cycle. The motives are as follows: 1. For earning money: To live in society people need food, shelter, cloths etc. 2. For pleasure: Every work has gives pleasure to man. As such through singing, drawing, playing people gets pleasure. 3. For getting promotion: For most of the job, a worker inherent needs also to improve his/her position in the job. 4. For the service of humanity: Modern civilization had been possible only by work. Through work people could develop themselves and as well as their society as a whole.
Why do people work? Or Reasons for doing work (cont.) 5. Creation: Every man has potentiality and also gets pleasure through creation. 6. Social purpose: Without work modern society will not be imaginable .work is the only means by which society gets foods, cloths, hospitality etc. 7. Mental fitness: Mental fitness is must for sound health. Work helps man to keep mentally fit. 8. Maintenance of physical health: Work can also ensure a sound physical health. 9.Other reasons: Because you are good at doing something special Other people need your skills, and you need others. To satisfy our needs for shelter and food. To provide “luxuries” to make our lifestyle more enjoyable.
Why do people avoid work/reasons for work avoidance? Though work is a universal activity, it does not follow that it is always pleasant. In every society persons who wants to avoid his duty is never absent. The causes for work avoidance are as follows: Inherent difficulty of work itself: It is obvious that as work is directed towards an object, the attainment of this object is not always easy and sometimes entrance serious difficulties. It explains the causes of work avoidance. Emphasis on specialization: The second reason may be explain as increasing complexity of modern society and the particular emphasis that it lays on specialization and division of labor with the ever growing pre dominance of the machines in its various production systems -
3. Feeling alienated (separated): During the revolution the traditional life structured was broken and the new labour felt himself the victim of a triple divorced: Divorce from the management of the home industry in which he previously worked. Divorce from the ownership of the means of production. Divorce from the marketing or ultimate disposition of the work of his hands. 4. Loss of sense of workmanship: Workmansip refers to the sense of creation. In a simple industrial system men could directly feel the pride of being responsible for the whole product. But now each man feels accountable for a single operation or a tiny fraction of it. So they feels it is their creation rather feel contribution to the creation.
5. Other reasons: lack of ability Lack of industrial education Lack of satisfaction Lack of pleasure Lack of social status Division of labor Continuous introduction of sophisticated technology Insufficient logistic support Bad working conditions Lack of working relationship Inadequate pay
Remedies for work avoidance A) workers participation in decision making. B) Adequate pay C) Work simplification D) Providing proper training E) Profit sharing F) To make workers feel secured G) Making work pleasant
Unions influence on work Unions influence works, workers and management in following ways: Unions may provide a feeling of belongingness and security and a meaningful role in a close knit group. Unions may even provide some power satisfaction Unions usually seek remedial action in the form of: Better working conditions Shorter hours of work The end of isolation The building of work team etc.
4. finally, in order to hold alienation a union can do the following things: a) it may seek to freeze technological change at a point it considers most favorable for its members. b) it may operate as a restraining force to slow or block the introduction of change.
Nature or characteristics of industrial work Group work Division of labor Carried on under control Wage work Profit motive Involve economic insecurity
Money as motivator One of the most popular and deep rooted ideas is that man work for the sake of money. In most of the cases money acts a motivating factor. But when the situation improves and money becomes sufficient for abundant then a law of diminishing returns sets in whereby money loses its importance as an incentive. Security, good working condition, promotion etc. usually fill the first places.