WH Final Notes
WH Final Baby Boom- rapid population growth after WWII Refugees- human rights violations Moderate- in politics, some who does not identify themselves as solely conservative (right) or liberal (left) but middle of the road. Inflation- more money available causes prices to rise by a significant amount
WH Final After WWII, Science and technology improves daily life in U.S. (microwaves, television, etc.) Civil rights movement- non violent resistance helps advance civil rights movement (ex: montgomery bus boycott, sit ins) Federalism- states and central government share power
WH Dictator- a leader who has complete control over a country (North Korea) Israel was established in Palestine Globalization and world economy- outsourcing of jobs Gandhi- nonviolent resistance movement helped oust the British from India
WH Final Apartheid- institutionalized racial segregation in South Africa, abolished after Nelson Mandela was elected to power Terrorist attacks on U.S Sept. 11 2001- Pentagon, World Trade Center, United 93 Genocide (still in Darfur)- America and other countries punish through trade embargos