The World Wars Pre-Notes
Winston Churchill- Leader of Navy during WW1, He suffered a massive defeat during Gallipoli campaign, became Prime Minister of England Gallipoli Campaign- Failed military campaign of British to resupply Russians during WW1 Adolf Hitler- German army corporal who was wounded during WW1 and became the dictator of Germany General George Patton- American Military commander who pioneered new fighting techniques with the tank Poncho Villa_- leader of the Mexican independence movement in the early 1910’s
War of Attrition- A war fought where one side would win when the other side ran out of people Woodrow Wilson- President of the United States before and after WW1 Benito Mussolini- an Italian newspaper writer who through Nationalism, became the Fascist dictator of Italy. General Douglas MacArthur_- tough general of troops during WW1 and became in charge of all US troops during WWII Reparations-Money paid by Germany to cover the cost of WW1 Hideki Tojo - Military leader of Japan Charles DeGaulle- French military commander during WW1 and WWII
Vladimir Lenin_- Communist who helped overthrow the Czar in Russia, and create a new government Joseph Stalin_- young communist leader who helped create the Soviet Union in Russia, and became a ruthless dictator Armistice- Agreement to stop fighting in a war Beer Hall Putsch _- Hitler’s attempt to overthrow German government Bolsheviks_- names of the Communists who wanted to over throw the Russian Government Franklin D Roosevelt-Former Navy secretary and President of United States during Depression and WW2