Copy into binder – Class notes The Scientific Method
The Scientific Method
What is the Scientific Method? Problem solving in a scientific way We use the scientific method all the time! Follows a specific pattern of steps
Step 1- Ask a Question Ask a Question What are you trying to find out Also called “PURPOSE” or Identifying the Problem
Step 2 – Conduct Research Gather information about the problem that will help you make a good hypothesis and design a good experiment Quantitative and qualitative observations internet
Step 3 Form a Hypothesis Forming a hypothesis An educated guess What you think the answer to your question is Based on research You should always be able to give good reasons why you chose your hypothesis.
Step 4 Design an Experiment Design an experiment to test your hypothesis Variables Different factors that can effect or change and experiment. It is very important that you only allow one variable to change when conducting an experiment.
Variables Independent Variable Constants The thing you are testing The one and only variable that you will allow to change. The variables that you don’t allow to change What you keep the same in each test or experiment
Variables continued Control Dependent Variable What you compare the results of your experiment to Usually just the absence of the independent variable The variable that responds to the independent variable What you measure!
Exit Card 1. What is the most important thing you learned about doing a good experiment?
Step 5 - Collecting and Analyzing Data Collecting and Analyzing the Data What data did you collect? Create tables and graphs to record, organize and represent data. Identify if there is anything that may effect your results (sources of error).
Step 6 Draw Conclusions Conclusions What is the answer to your question based on your results? Was your hypothesis supported? Why or why not? If you did this experiment again, what would you do differently? What further experiments could you do to further test this?
Step 7 - Communicating Communicating with others Repeating the work The most important step of scientific inquiry! Sharing ideas with others through writing and speaking Others can repeat the experiment When an experiment can be repeated with the same results each time then the experiment is considered a valid experiment.
Your results are not valid if… They are based upon opinion rather than data. Your sample size is too small You do not have a control. Someone cannot repeat your experiment and get the same results!