English 10 9/16
Agenda Homework: NONE Chapter 1-4 Quiz!!! Finish writing down chapter 3 notes in notebook Summarizing Chapter 4 Character List Check Reading Chapter 5 Introduce 6 “Sign-posts” (Bookmarks) Use Notice and Note reading log for Chapter 5 Homework: NONE
Hunger Games Ch. 1-4 Quiz #1 – 8pts Take out a sheet of paper please Why does Katniss go to the woods? How is Madge different from Katniss and Gale? Why did Katniss have to become the head of the family after her father died? How was Katniss’s life saved when she was 11 years old? Why does Katniss refuse to show any emotion? What happens to Haymitch at the end of Chapter 3? What advice (about their stylists) does Haymitch give Peeta & Katniss? What does Katniss think is Peeta’s strategy?
-You need to have SOMETHING to read -You need to have SOMETHING to read! (PDF printed, kindle, iPad, other electronic device, etc.) -This has been on the syllabus since the beginning of the year. -I even offered for the past three weeks to go and purchase the book for you.
Chapter 3 pgs. 34-47 6. What is a Mockingjay? How is it a slap in the face to the Capitol? Answer: Type of bird. Mix of a Jabberjay and Mockingbird Pg. #: 43 Quote: “The rebels fed the Capitol endless lies, and the joke was on it…the birds were abandoned to die off in the wild. 7. Which tributes from the other Districts stand out to Katniss? Answer: Boy from Dis. 2, Red hair girl from Dis.5, boy who has a crippled foot from Dis. 10, and 12 yr. old girl from Dis. 11. Pg. #:45 Quote: “And most hauntingly, a twelve-year-old girl from District 11. She has dark brown skin and eyes, but other than that, she’s very like Prim in size and demeanor.
Chapter 3 pgs. 34-47 8. What does Haymitch do as he staggers through the door? Answer: He vomits Pg #: 47 Quote: “Just then, Haymitch staggers into the compartment….then he vomits all over the expensive carpet and falls in the mess.”
Chapter 4 Summary Peeta volunteers to clean up Haymitch, who is drunk and has fallen in his own vomit. While Katniss sits in her room, she wonders why Peeta did this, then realizes he may just be kind. She decides this is more dangerous to her than an unlikable Peeta and determines not to get any closer with him. When she throws the cookies his father gave her out the window, they land in a field of dandelions, and she remembers gathering dandelions with Prim after she realized she would have to feed her family. Her mother, who is an apothecary, had a book describing plants that can be used for healing, and in it she found notes, made by her father, about which plants were edible. The next day, she went into the woods alone for the first time and began hunting and foraging regularly to keep her family alive. One day, she noticed some katniss, the plant she’s named after, in a pond. She dug up the edible roots, and that night she and her family ate till they were full. Her mother began to return to normal as well. In the morning she goes to the train’s dining car.
Chapter 4 Summary Peeta gets angry with Haymich because he’s supposed to be advising them. He slaps the drink out of Haymitch’s hand. Haymitch punches him, and Katniss stabs her knife into the table between his hand and the liquor bottle. Haymitch wonders if he’s got fighters this year and asks Katniss what else she can do with a knife. She pulls it out of the table and throws skillfully into the wall. His first piece of advice is that whatever the stylists do to them, they shouldn’t resist. The people of the Capitol all have bizarre hair and painted faces. Peeta waves to the people gathered to see the tributes coming in. He says he’s waving because some of them may be rich, and Katniss realizes he may be planning a way to survive the Games, making him a threat to her.
9 characters who are actually important at this point in the novel. Katniss Everdeen Peeta Mellark Haymitch Abernathy Effie Trinket Gale Prim Everdeen Mother (Everdeen) Madge Undersee Mayor Undersee Father (Everdeen) he is only seen through Katniss’s memories.
Chapter 5 - pg. 66-Do not lose reading log or bookmarks. Reading with “Notice and Note” reading log: Contrasts and Contradictions-character does something that contrasts with what you’d expect or contradicts his earlier acts or statements. Aha Moment-When a character realizes, understands, or finally figures out something. Tough Questions-A character asks herself a very difficult question. Words of the Wiser-Older and wiser character takes the main character aside and offers advice. Again and Again-word, phrase, or situation repeated. Memory Moment-author interrupts the action to tell you about a memory.
Debate First Hour 3-4pm Finish accounting for dues and t-shirts Supplies out of car for snacks and lemon shake-ups Sign up to work/bring stuff for fundraiser Friday 5:30-7:30 or until we run out of supplies. Calendar update Watching video of high school Congress Debate(take notes!) Second Hour 4-5pm Research bill 6 in computer lab. Thursday we will debate bill 6 and research bill 9. You need to be perfecting your sources and argument as we go. Outside research and note taking is essential. Remember September 25th is a parent’s meeting from 6-7pm. Please remind your parents to attend if they want to judge or help out with debate in anyway this season. Memorize the “Oath of Office” in Congressional Debate Guide