Start of Civil War
Timeline of Start Lincoln elected in 1860 By Feb 1861 lower South secedes SC, MS, FL, AL, GA, LA, TX Confederacy Founded (Pres. Jefferson Davis, States power) Lincoln takes office (March 1861) Promises to not end slavery, occupy federal property in all states Attack on Fort Sumter By June 1861 VA, AR, NC, TN also secede Union secures Border states of DE, MD, KY, MO
Hanging on to the Border States If these states leave then DC will be surrounded and Union wants to keep number advantage Declares Martial Law in MD KY tries to remain neutral but confederate forces invade pushing KY to the Union side MO convention voted against secession fighting breaks out and Federal Union forces keep it in the Union
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages North South Navy ¾ sailors, all but 1 shipyard Pop 22 million Industry 80% of factories RR Money National treasury Large banks Greenbacks (paper money) Military 7/8 military colleges Produce food Home soil No party opposition Defense
Disadvantages North South Lack good military leaders, less trained soldiers Less farm land Don’t know land as well Political Parties Concern over Civil Liberties conscription/draft suspend Habeas Corpus Offensive Pop 9 million 1/3 enslaved 1 factory until 1862 1 major RR Small banks 9,000 % inflation States more powerful then Federal No European aid (Trent Affair)
Union/North Strategy Anaconda Plan Union/North forces are going to slowly surround Confederacy/South until they suffocate and give up Blockade the ports, get control of the RR in Tennessee, capture the Mississippi river to cut off Confederacy and supplies Offensive Plan
Defensive war of Attrition Force the North to exhaust all their resources until they give up, only fight battles that they can win South doesn’t have enough troops or supplies to fight the North South think the plan is insult to military tradition/superiority, Don’t follow it end up taking the offensive position which cost them more lives/supplies