Classroom Rules: Please be seated and working on the warm-up when the bell rings. Please remain seated until permission is granted to leave seat. Demonstrate respect for yourself, your peers, and your surroundings. Avoid the use of any cellular or electronic device in the classroom. Please keep an organized, tidy workspace and clean up after yourself before leaving the room.
Consequence Hierarchy: 1st Offense: Verbal Reminder 2nd Offense: Teacher-Student Conference 3rd Offense: Phone Call Home 4th Offense: Parent-Teacher Conference 5th Offense: Office Referral Severe Behavior Clause: Immediate office referral, dependent on situation, call to office to come and remove the child from class.
Classroom Procedures Procedures #1: Entering the Classroom Enter the room quietly and quickly. Grab needed supplies Sharpen Pencil Be seated AND working on warm-up BEFORE the bell rings
Classroom Procedures Procedure #2: Absent Work Procedure Look at the online calendar to see what you missed. Print any handouts on the website under Absent Work. Check the class notebook for brief synopsis of lesson and look at due dates. If there are still questions, schedule a time to meet with meet with me before or after class (my conference period, before the tardy bell, after school). Work is due the following class period.
Classroom Procedures Procedure #3: Collecting Homework Homework needs to be turned into the homework drawer marked upon entering the room. Name, Date, class period, and permanent number need to be on the top R. hand side of your paper. Assignments turned in during the class period will be marked LATE.
Classroom Procedures Procedure #4: Leaving the Classroom The teacher dismisses you; the bell does not. Be sure all instructional material and supplies are put away in the appropriate place. Pick up anything off of the floor and throw trash away.
Classroom Procedures Procedure #5: Whatever you need, ask. Do not get up out of your seat during instructional time for any reason. Please raise hand to ask permission for the following: Sharpening pencil Throwing away trash Getting supplies Asking for help from teacher or peer