Note Taking, Lecture 5 Visual Note Taking Systems Mind Maps Timelines
Why use a visual note taking style? Gives you a chance to use your originality & creativity in form of pictures and drawings along with colors…helps you memorize information better. Keep in mind that note taking styles vary from person to person. Try different note taking systems until you find 1 or 2 that suit your learning style. It’s also great to combine visuals with the Cornell System.
Creating Mind Maps Topic or Thesis Main Idea Main Idea Main Idea Main detail detail Main Idea detail Main Idea Topic or Thesis detail detail detail Main Idea detail Main Idea detail detail detail
Tips for Making a Mind Map 1.Write only key words inside circles… will serve as triggers for you to recite in full sentences. 3.Be selective with your details…use only as many as you need to help you remember information. 4.Write horizontally…easier to read. 5.Experiment with mind mapping…use different colors for different topics or main ideas. 6.If you need more levels of info. after adding supporting details to main ideas, consider reorganizing info. into several mind maps instead of just 1. 2.Items do NOT have to be in clockwise order
Creating Time Lines: When do you think this type of note taking would be useful? Let’s practice by making a time line of your life. 1.Draw a horizontal line across the middle of your paper. 2.Divide line into equal size segments…(I suggest 5-yr. segments, depending on your age.) 3.Below line, label each segment with dates. 4.Above line, write various events. 5.Add pictures for greater visual impact! Family vacation to Canada Began B.C. Birth Began kindergarten Moved to Fresno 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007