The Spanish Alphabet “El alfabeto”
Some notes on the Spanish alphabet… In English, sometimes vowels take on different pronunciations Pronounce the following words: through, threw water, later roaring, pouring In Spanish, 99.99999999% of the time, vowels keep the same pronunciation, making it very easy to pronounce the word if you know how each letter is pronounced
Los Vocales- Vowels a- e- i- o- u ¡El burro sabe más que tú!
Aa [ah] Árbol
Bb [be] Bebé
Cc [se] cepillo, precio, cenar camiseta, carro Sounds like English “S” when before “e” or “i” cepillo, precio, cenar camiseta, carro
Ch [che] Chimichanga
Dd [de] Dos
Ee [eh] Elefante
Ff [efe] Flor
Gg [he] Gato Sounds like English “H” before “e” or “i” - angel, gigante, gemelos
Hh [ache] ALWAYS silent Helado
Ii [ea] isla
Jj [hota] Sounds just like English “h” Jalapeño
Kk [kah] Very rarely used kilómetro
Ll [ele] Limón
ll [eye] Sounds like English “y” Llave
Mm [eme] Mango
Nn [ene] Niña
ñ [enye] Piñata
Oo [oh] Ojos
Pp [pe] Perro
Qq [coo] Queso Always followed by a “ue” or “ui” Sounds like “k” or “c” Queso
Rr [ere] Rana
rr [erre] (roll tongue) Correr
Ss [ese] Silla
Tt [teh] Taco
Uu [oo] Ustedes
Vv [ve] Sounds like “B” Viajar
Ww [doble oo] Found only in foreign words George W. Bush
Xx [eh-kees] Most of the time sounds like English “X” Sometimes sounds like English “H” Explicar---- Xavier
Yy [i-gri-e-ga] Payaso
Zz [seta] Sounds like English “S” Zapatos
¡Que Bueno! You are now a master of the alfabeto…