Ansel Adams Marissa Miller
About Ansel Adams Born February 20, 1902 in San Francisco, CA Attended Yale University and Harvard University An American photographer and environmentalist Developed the Zone System, which determines proper exposure and contrast Died April 22, 1984 in Monterey, CA About Ansel Adams
Black and white landscape photographs, primarily of Yosemite National Park and American West Mediums : Digital His favorite subject matter was landscapes His primary occupation, and intended profession, was playing the piano until he gave it up for photography. His love for nature was what caused him to pursue photography Techniques he used were the darkroom and a dropped horizon Style & Techniques
Best Known Photographs Ansel’s best known photographs are : Rose and Driftwood Monolith, The Face of Half Dome Aspens, Northern New Mexico El Capitan, Merced River, Clouds Bridalveil Fall Best Known Photographs
-Rose and Driftwood Gallery
-Aspens, Northern New Mexico Gallery
- Bridalveil Fall Gallery
-El Capitan -El Capitan, Merced River, Clouds Gallery
http://www. anseladams Reference Slide
I think that Ansel Adam’s photos caused people to appreciate nature more and to see the beauty in it. I chose this photographer because my favorite kind of photographs are of nature and landscapes, and his photos inspire me to go out and take pictures of nature. I think his style of taking landscape pictures intrigues people and it expresses the beauty of nature. Personal Reflection
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