Origins, Feudalism, and the Manor System The Middle Ages Origins, Feudalism, and the Manor System
Origins Middle Ages - Period in European history that came between ancient and modern times. Began with the fall of Western Rome and ended with Renaissance Life in the middle ages was unstable and chaotic lasted from about 500 AD to about 1500 AD Christianity was important in the Middle Ages
Western Roman Empire Western Empire fell apart into separate kingdoms Roman Empire was reunited by its new Emperor Charlemagne in 800 AD He pushed for increased education and the spread of Christianity The Empire fell again after Charlemagne death in 814 AD They were attacked by multiple invaders including Muslims and Vikings
Feudalism Feudalism developed as kings tried to protect their kingdoms from invasion Feudalism-a rigid social hierarchy (think Hinduism) where a vassal served a lord and received protection and land Your class of citizen was determined by your birth In Feudalism LAND = Power
Feudalism Model King/Queen –All land belong to the king Lords/Nobles-given fiefs by the King for money and military support (knights) Fiefs-large pieces of land Vassals/Knights-got smaller fiefs from lords in exchange for military protection Peasants (serfs)- people who worked the farm land not slaves but could not leave land without permission Got a piece of land to farm for themselves Got protection from outside invaders Provided food and other services when the Vassals/Knights demanded
Nation-State Nation-State-self-governing countries made up of people with a common cultural background. Developed from kingdoms who banded (united) together for military purposes Nation states spread all over Europe
Manor System How it worked Lords allowed peasants/serfs to farm land on their large fiefs called a Manor Serfs paid for land (rent) by giving food or other resources Serfs got protection from invaders for working the land Serfs could not sell land