Recognizing Shifts in Verb Tense and person
Recognizing Shifts in Tense
Checking for complete Sentences First, make sure each sentence has a subject and a verb. The football players moved down the field and pass the ball promptly. players moved pass It has a subject and a verb, so it is a clause. a n d - - - - - - - - -
Checking for complete Sentences Second, make sure each sentence can stand alone. The football players moved down the field and pass the ball promptly. players moved pass moved It does stand alone, so it is a complete sentence. players a n d - - - - - - - - - pass
Checking for complete and correct Sentences Third, make sure verbs do not have an inappropriate shift in verb tense. One verb is in the past tense, and the other is in the present tense. ed The football players moved down the field and pass the ball promptly. players moved pass moved Let’s make them consistent. players a n d - - - - - - - - - pass passed
Recognizing Shifts in Person
Pick the correct verb choice I, with my twenty-seventh bridesmaid, (want wants) to see the movie again. Remember the prepositional phrases do not determine the verb. Crossing them out can help ensure you have made the correct verb choice. I want Now that 27th bridesmaid is not there to confuse you.