Convert to scientific notation 3427
3.427 x 103
Convert to scientific notation 0.00456
4.56 x 10 -3
Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures. 0.32 x 14.50 x 120=
556.8 = 5.6 x 102
Convert each into decimal form (standard form) 1.56 x 104
Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures. 24.1/0.005 =
4820 = 5 x 103
Convert to scientific notation. Round to 4 sig figs 123,453
1.235 x 105
Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures. 3.9 x 6.05 x 420 =
9909.9 = 9.9 x 103
Determine the number of significant figures 3427
Determine the number of significant figures 0.00456
Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures. 14.1/5 =
2.82 = 3
Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures. 18.7644 - 3.472 + 0.4101 =
Convert each into decimal form (standard form) 0.56 x 10 -2
Convert to scientific notation 172
1.72 x 102
Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures. 0.87 + 4.061 + 10.4 =
Convert to scientific notation 0.000984
9.84 x 10 -4
Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures. 17.441÷ 3 =
5.813667 = 6
Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures. 120 + 37 + 4.234
161.234 = 160
Convert to scientific notation 0.502
5.02 x 10 -1
Determine the number of significant figures 0.000984
Convert each into decimal form (standard form) 3.69 x 10-2
Convert to scientific notation 0.00052
5.2 x 10-4
Convert each into decimal form (standard form) 7.7369 x 106
Determine the number of significant figures 0.502
Round each of the following to 3 significant figures 0.00023350
Round each of the following to 3 significant figures 6,300,278.2
6.30 x 106
Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures. 14.044 + 8.11 + 3.4 =
Determine the number of significant figures 3.105 x 102
Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures. 3.41 – 0.086652 =
Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures. 16 x 841.1 ÷ 16.300 =
Determine the number of significant figures 107.20
Determine the number of significant figures 0.0000455
Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures. 21.01 x 2.0 =
Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures. 18.4 +12.99 +13.772 + 9.704 =
Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures. 8.95 x 1076/ 1.25 x 1056 =
7.16 x 1020
Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures. 17.34 + 4.900 + 23.1 =
Round each of the following to 3 significant figures 2.895 1021
2.90 x 10 21
Determine the number of significant figures 2205.2
Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures. 3.9 x 6.05 x 420 =
9.9 x 103
Determine the number of significant figures 0.00589