SB #5: Light Painting Examples and techniques Light Painting Video Agenda 2/5/16 SB #5: Light Painting Examples and techniques Light Painting Video Color Worksheet Due Continue shooting photos for the Abstract Photography Project: Practice Impressionist Photos and Light Painting Complete 1 Abstract Photoshop Tutorial. Use the links on the website. – Due end of next class
SB #5: Review the “Abstract Light Painting Examples” on the website and the “Abstract Light Painting Directions and Tips.” Choose 1 photo you like the best. Describe it or draw a small sketch of it in color. 2) Explain why you like this photo. What stands out to you? What makes it unique? 3) Explain the elements of art that stand out in this photograph. 4) Explain the principles of design that stand out. 5) Explain what camera techniques you think the photographer used to shoot this photo. 6) What modes should you put your camera on to Light Paint? 7) What should be your shutter speed? 8) What kinds of lights could you use to create a light painting? 9) Where could you shoot light paintings? What kind of environment do you need?