What Do Illustrators Do? By: Eileen Christelow
tools These are some tools an illustrator might use Things people use to help them do a job These are some tools an illustrator might use when drawing or painting pages for a book.
sketches Illustrators usually make sketches of each Quick drawings without much detail Illustrators usually make sketches of each page before they begin drawing.
scribbles These scribbles were made with crayons. Drawings or doodles, drawn in a quick or careless way These scribbles were made with crayons.
research Many authors do their research in the library before they can Careful study of a subject or problem Many authors do their research in the library before they can write a biography.
textures The texture of paper, wood, and sand all feel different. Ways that surfaces look and feel The texture of paper, wood, and sand all feel different.
imagine Imagine as you read a book that you are actually there! To picture in your mind Imagine as you read a book that you are actually there!
illustrate This artist wants to illustrate, or draw, a To make pictures that show something This artist wants to illustrate, or draw, a picture of the building on a hill.
tracing You need tracing paper to be able to make Copying the outline or shape of a thing on see- through paper You need tracing paper to be able to make an exact copy of this ballerina.
Vocabulary Words tools sketches scribbles research textures imagine illustrate tracing