English 11 December 2, 2013 Bellringer Mom and Dad cook. Carter and Jacob run. Body Paragraph #1 – TURN IN Topic Sentence Underlined Transition Highlighted (Yellow) Quote Highlighted (Green) Support #1 (Pink) Support #2 (Yellow)
English 11 December 3, 2013 Bellringer Dogs and cats fight. Dr. Leon and Mr. Smith swam. Body Paragraph #2 – TURN IN Topic Sentence Underlined Transition Highlighted (Yellow) Quote Highlighted (Green) Support #1 (Pink) Support #2 (Yellow)
English 11 December 4, 2013 Bellringer Chloe yells and screams. Mr. Peter swims and dives. Body Paragraph #3 – TURN IN Topic Sentence Underlined Transition Highlighted (Yellow) Quote Highlighted (Green) Support #1 (Pink) Support #2 (Yellow)
English 11 December 5, 2013 Bellringer Horses gallop and run. Grandpa sings and paints. Conclusion Transition Highlighted (Yellow) Restate thesis – (Pink) Recap Main Points (Green) Food for Thought (Yellow)
English 11 December 6, 2013 Bellringer Oscar and Jordan dance and sing. Whales and dolphins swim and jump. Collect Bellringers Write out essay completely on sheet of paper including works cited. 3 people must edit your paper Lab Time Tuesday (Presentation Lab) Collecting Essay Tuesday in class
AP Prep December 2, 2013 Bellringer Mom and Dad cook. Carter and Jacob run. Journal – Write about Chapters 9-11: What happened?? Read “The Minister’s Black Veil” in class Answer questions at end of chapter HW – Finish story and questions if not done in class
AP Prep December 3, 2013 Bellringer Dogs and cats fight. Dr. Leon and Mr. Smith swam. Chapters 9-11 Quiz In-Class Essay – TURN IN Dimmesdale and Chillingsworth are foils of one another. Meaning, they have opposite traits that highlight their strengths as well as their flaws. Write an essay (open book) that examines these two characters and proves that they are in fact foils. What is Hawthorne trying to do with these characters. 5 paragraph essay WITH quotes. HW=12-13
AP Prep December 4, 2013 Bellringer Chloe yells and screams. Mr. Peter swims and dives. Class Discussion – Questions and Answers – TURN IN The Ministers Black Veil and Scarlet Letter HW=14-15
AP Prep December 5, 2013 Bellringer Horses gallop and run. Grandpa sings and paints. Silent Reading Day HW=16-20
AP Prep December 6, 2013 Bellringer Oscar and Jordan dance and sing. Whales and dolphins swim and jump. Turn in Bellringers Chapter Summaries (All 4 Chapters) – Turn In Discussion Silent Reading HW=Finish Book
English 9 December 2, 2013 Bellringer Mom and Dad cook. Carter and Jacob run. Choose Roles for Act II Romeo and Juliet: Act II Scene I Prologue Translation – TURN IN
English 9 December 3, 2013 Bellringer Dogs and cats fight. Dr. Leon and Mr. Smith swam. Act II Scene II Show me filled out study guides (scenes I-II) Figurative Language Activity
English 9 December 4, 2013 Bellringer Chloe yells and screams. Mr. Peter swims and dives. Act II Scene III Sonnet Activity
English 9 December 5, 2013 Bellringer Horses gallop and run. Grandpa sings and paints. Act II Scene IV Checking for filled in study guides (scenes III-IV)
English 9 December 6, 2013 Bellringer Oscar and Jordan dance and sing. Whales and dolphins swim and jump. Act II Scenes V-VI Check remaining study guides Answer Act II Questions in Lit Book – TURN IN