U.S. Congressional Leadership Kelly Walker AP US Government
Leadership in The House of Representatives Speaker of the House (Presiding Officer) Majority Leader Majority Whip Minority Leader Minority Whip http://www.thecapitol.net/FAQ/cong_leadership.html
Speaker of the House Republican (Ohio) John Boehner (Bay-ner), Member since 1991 http://republicanleader.house.gov/ Most important leadership position in the house
Speaker of the House Recognizing members who wish to speak Ruling on questions of parliamentary procedure Appointing members to select conference committees Directing business on the floor Exercising political and behind-the-scenes influence Appointing members of the committees Control over which bills get assigned to which committees Appointing the party’s legislative leaders
House Majority Floor Leader Eric cantor Republican (Virginia) http://republicanwhip.house.gov/ Stepping-stone to Speaker Schedules bills and rounding-up votes for party favors
House Majority Whip Kevin Mccarthyy Republican (Californina) Member since 1981 Assist floor leader Serve as go-betweens for members of the house and leadership Inform members when important bills come up for a vote and do nose-counts for the leadership, and pressure members to support the leadership
House Minority Floor Leader Nancy Pelosi Democrat (California) 12th term in office Schedules bills and rounding-up votes for party favors
House Majority Whip James Clyburn Democrat (South Carolina) Member since 1993 http://majoritywhip.house.gov/ Serve as go-betweens for members of the house and leadership Inform members when important bills come up for a vote and do nose-counts for the leadership, and pressure members to support the leadership
House Leadership Majority Party (Republicans) Speaker of the House Majority Floor Leader Majority Floor Whip Minority Party (Democrats) Minority Floor Leader Minority Floor Whip
Senate Leadership President of the Senate (U.S. Vice-President) President Pro-Tempore (Presides in the President’s absence) Senate Majority Leader Senate Majority Whip Senate Minority Leader Senate Minority Whip http://www.senate.gov/pagelayout/senators/a_three_sections_with_teasers/leadership.htm
President of the Senate U.S. Vice-President: Joe Biden Democrat (Delaware) http://www.whitehouse.gov/vicepresident/
President Pro Tempore Daniel Inouye Democrat (Hawaii) http://www.senate.gov/pagelayout/senators/a_three_sections_with_teasers/leadership.htm Senior member of the Democratic party in the Senate
Senate Majority Floor Leader Harry Reid Democrat (Nevada) Most powerful member of the Senate Sets the agenda and appoints committee members MAY consult the minority leader in setting the agenda… http://reid.senate.gov/
Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin Democrat (Illinois) http://durbin.senate.gov Serve as go-betweens for members of the house and leadership Inform members when important bills come up for a vote and do nose-counts for the leadership, and pressure members to support the leadership
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Republican (Kentucky) http://mcconnell.senate.gov/ Appoints his party members to committee Works with majority leader to set agenda..
Senate Minority Whip John Kyle Republican (Arizona) http://kyl.senate.gov/ Serve as go-betweens for members of the house and leadership Inform members when important bills come up for a vote and do nose-counts for the leadership, and pressure members to support the leadership
Senate Leadership President of the Senate (The Vice President of the United States) President Pro Tempore (in VP’s absence Majority Party Majority Floor Leader Majority Floor Whip Minority Party Minority Floor Leader Minority Floor Whip