10 myths about leadership I knew that!
10 common myths about leadership Let’s start with the right definition….. What is a myth?
Myth A widely held, but false idea A fictitious person, thing or idea An idealized version of the past
1. Leaders are born and not made: Mostly, leaders are made by their circumstances Extraordinary circumstances that surround them propel them to become effective leaders Corporate world, you can learn leadership skills by consistent efforts.
2. Leaders know everything: It is not true What leaders do have is a vision and a sense of direction They too learn from others
3. Leaders are infallible: Leaders do make mistakes like all humans do What differentiates good leaders from others is that they are candid in admitting their mistakes and in learning lessons from them
4. Leaders only give orders: Leaders do not always give orders More often, they inspire others
5. Leaders are charismatic: Charisma is not the absolute quality of a leader Leaders are often followed because they are respected for their hard work, integrity, ideas, and commitment.
6. Leaders have imposing personalities: Leaders need not have impressive personalities. The ability to influence people even if they don’t have a distinguished personality
7. Leadership comes with age: There is no specific age to become an effective leader People become effective leaders with what they learn from their past experience, not just with increasing age.
8. Leaders possess absolute power: Not true always Effectiveness is measured by their ability to command a following without absolute power When leadership succeeds, it creates new leaders
9. Leaders never delegate important stuff: Leaders delegate the right work to the right person They share work and responsibilities & get the job done This in no way undermines their credibility, they pave the way for new leaders to emerge.
10. Leadership can be attained through study: Leadership is about attitude and not about knowledge. Even if you study thousands of books, you cannot develop leadership skills until you can demonstrate the right attitude.
Myths: For work balance 1
Summary ability to inspire a shared vision facilitate collective efforts to reach a common objective identify and nurture the right talent
Summary 2 Leadership is about having the ability to positively influence others. Leadership is being a catalyst to change – A change that improves the quality of people around you.
Quote A common misconception in my opinion and experience is that people assume that leadership skills/behaviors are things that only the top dogs should know and exhibit, rather than everyone in an organization (in different forms, of course). Elizabeth G.
Quote You know a good leader when people aspire, achieve, innovate, enjoy and succeed….and when you look for the catalyst….well…you are not really sure… because surely leaders are teachers and a good teacher allows others to believe they worked it out themselves. Billy Q.
Quote Leadership is about having the ability to positively influence others. Kenda M.
Source http://blog.commlabindia.com/elearning- design/leadership-myths