Operant Conditioning Differs from classical conditioning because we associate responses with their consequences. Based on the principle that things that are reinforced tend to be repeated.
Operant Conditioning Classical Conditioning was relatively passive, things happen to the learner Operant Conditioning is when learning is voluntary by the learning Reward===========Reinforcer
Operant Conditioning Much of what has been learned, was done in a conditioning chamber (Skinner Box) designed for studying operant conditioning. Rewards/Reinforcers are used to change the frequency of responses.
Operant Conditioning Just like with Classical Conditioning, Operant is based on expectancies as well. Operant Reinforcement works the very best when it is response contingent, given only after a desired response has occurred
Operant Conditioning What about superstitious behaviors?
Operant Conditioning This gradual molding of responses relies on successive approximations where we get closer and closer to the end response. Like we have discussed previously, to get pets to do complicated tricks we use shaping.
Operant Conditioning Just like there was extinction in classical conditioning, operant extinction occurs as well. Negative Attention Seeking
Operant Conditioning We have been discussing Positive Reinforcements Pleasant or desirable event follows a response Making a response removes an unpleasant event Negative Reinforcement Negative Reinforcement is not a punishment
Operant Conditioning Punishments differ from negative reinforcements because a punishment any event following a response that will decrease the likelihood that it will occur again. Things such as fines, parents grounding children, parking tickets, or loss of allowance. Another type of punishment is called response cost
Operant Conditioning Primary vs. Secondary Reinforcers Secondary reinforcers are the things such as money, praise, attention, approval, success, affection, and grades. Primary Reinforcers are the natural, non-learned, reinforcers that have their root in biology Food and water Which have more impact?