When the narrator tells about events that happened before the story
It started four years ago when I moved to Atlanta. Example: It started four years ago when I moved to Atlanta.
Words that have the same sound, but different spellings and/or meanings
Example: Pair– two Pear– fruit
Who is telling the story, i.e. first-person, third-person, etc
Point of View
I didn’t know why she was mad. The doctor worked on the patient. Example: I didn’t know why she was mad. The doctor worked on the patient.
A guess made by the reader based on his/her experiences and information from the story.
The dog house blocked my view. (Must own or used to own a dog.) Example The dog house blocked my view. (Must own or used to own a dog.)
A phrase that means something different than the actual words
It’s raining cats and dogs. Example It’s raining cats and dogs.
Words with same spelling, but different meanings and/or pronunciations.
Tear– to rip Tear– moisture from eyes Example Tear– to rip Tear– moisture from eyes
Point of View when story is told by someone IN the story
1st Person
My mother asked me why I couldn’t stop giggling. Example My mother asked me why I couldn’t stop giggling.
Point of View when the story is told by someone OUTSIDE the story watching it happen and telling about it
3rd Person
The boy sneaked through the alley so he could hear the adults talk. Example The boy sneaked through the alley so he could hear the adults talk.
Something that can be proven and is the same no matter who you ask
The seasons are Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Example The seasons are Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.
The way a person feels about something; changes from person to person
Basketball is the best sport. Example Basketball is the best sport.
The place and time a story takes place
Example France, 1936
Clues the author gives the reader that something important is going to happen
Example After Marie’s parents left her at home by herself, the strange man began tapping on the door.
Text or writing that EXPLAINS, i. e. instructions, textbook, recipe Text or writing that EXPLAINS, i.e. instructions, textbook, recipe. The purpose is to INFORM.
Expository text
Start by washing your hands and then taking out ingredients listed. Example Start by washing your hands and then taking out ingredients listed.
Text or writing that tells a story, i. e. The Outsiders Text or writing that tells a story, i.e. The Outsiders. The purpose is to entertain.
Narrative Text
Once upon a time a princess kissed a frog that turned into a prince. Example Once upon a time a princess kissed a frog that turned into a prince.
Text or writing that tries to change your opinion about something; i.e. editorials, ads. Purpose is to PERSUADE.
Persuasive text
Example I believe the cost of such drilling is too high. I agree with environmentalists who fear that drilling will disturb the migration of more than 130,000 caribou.
Series of events in a story
Example We had ourselves a nice quiet island here, then some joker decided to build a high-rise bridge, and real trouble started. . . .
Main character in the story
Scrooge from A Christmas Carol Example Scrooge from A Christmas Carol
Character/Force opposing (or against) the main character
Example James from Twilight
Problem in the story; man vs man man vs nature man vs himself man vs society man vs supernatural/technology
Stephen couldn’t decide if he should drink alcohol with his friends. Example Stephen couldn’t decide if he should drink alcohol with his friends.
Group of letters at the front of a root word that changes its meaning
Example Title Subtitle
Author’s attitude or beliefs about the story
It was a dark, stormy night. Example It was a dark, stormy night.
Dictionary definition of a word
Example Average- sum of the data divided by the total numbers of pieces of data
Ideas about a word beyond the definition
Example Smell- implies bad Odor- implies really terrible Fragrance- implies pleasant
Part of the story where the protagonist and setting are introduced
Exposition/ Introduction
Before the fight, Ponyboy stepped into the neighborhood store. Example Before the fight, Ponyboy stepped into the neighborhood store.
The most intense part of the story; also called the turning point
We held our breath when the news was delivered. Example We held our breath when the news was delivered.
The part of the story where the loose ends are tied up or resolved
Example ….happily ever after.
Ways the author helps the reader get to know the characters
Elements of Characterization
Physical traits Behaviors/Habits Reaction to and from characters Example Physical traits Behaviors/Habits Reaction to and from characters
Ways we connect to the text
Text Connections (4)
Text to self Text to text Text within text Text to world Example Text to self Text to text Text within text Text to world