The Integers They’re Multiplying!!! … And dividing?!
IWBAT multiply and divide integers. Today’s Objective IWBAT multiply and divide integers.
But first … A story! OOOHHH!!! I love stories!
So what are the rules? So the rules for multiplying AND dividing integers are … 1.) If you have an EVEN number of negative signs, you get a POSITIVE answer. Same good 2.) If you have an ODD number of negative signs, you get a NEGATIVE answer. Different bad
TIC –Tac-Toe to win
Practice makes perfect! Let’s go!
Do you have same (good) or different (bad)? Example #1 Do you have same (good) or different (bad)? Multiply as normal
Do you have same (good) or different (bad)? Example #2 Do you have same (good) or different (bad)? Multiply as normal
Do you have same (good) or different (bad)? Example #3 Do you have same (good) or different (bad)? Divide as normal
Do you have same (good) or different (bad)? Example #4 Do you have same (good) or different (bad)? Divide as normal
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