Logical problem solving sequence THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD Logical problem solving sequence
PROBLEM What do you want to know? Always written in question form. (Ask what, where, when, how)
HYPOTHESIS What is the possible answer to the question based on prior knowledge? May be written in an If…then statement.
EXPERIMENT Test your hypothesis. Includes 3 parts: ~Independent variable-what YOU are changing ~Dependent variable-what is AFFECTED because of your changes ~Control-used for comparison Only test 1 variable at a time!
Observe Look at the data collected during the experiment Make quantitative and qualitative observations
Analyze Examine the data Organize it into graphs, charts, or tables
Conclusion Interpret the organized data Make a claim-(a statement of what happened) Evidence-(use data from table to prove your claim) Reasoning-(what scientific principle explains your claim)
Congratulations! You can think like a scientist!