Literature of Ancient China
Historical Highlights (422-23) Shang (Shäng)– group of warrior-nobles led by a king. Loved hunting and battle. Series of dynasties Silk Bronze-working Left written records
History, cont. Chou (Jō)– group that overthrew the Shang Longest dynasty in Chinese history Feudalism – lords controlled different regions of the country. These lords worked under the king.
History, cont. Chi’in (chĭn) – defeated Chou dynasty 1st Emperor established centralized government Great Wall – peasants were forced to build it
History, cont. Han (Hän)– came into power after Ch’in Former Han Period - Silk Roads, improvements in culture, technology, arts, and literature Later Han Period – Buddhism spreads from India to China.
History, cont. T’Ang (Täng) -golden age (in poetry and painting) -Empress Wu – female ruler during this time.
History, Cont. Sung (sŏŏng) dynasty Education, literature, calligraphy, and painting thrived. Inventions included: paper money, movable type, and the magnetic compass. Fell to the Mongols in 1279
People and society Rulers Emperor Central figure of authority in ancient China
People and society, cont. Peasants Farmers provide food for empire Ranked just below ruling class, but they had very little. Military/labor
People and society, cont. Artisans Craftsmen made everyday necessities as well a number of luxury items.
People and society, cont. Merchants – sold artisans’ goods Strictly controlled by the government Growth of trade They couldn’t own land and paid heavy taxes
People and society, cont. Servants and slaves Regarded as inferior – not worthy to have their own class Could not take civil service exam
Servants and slaves Women were subservient to men Binding of feet – prevented feet from growing. Unsuitable for manual labor
Arts and Culture Philosophy and religion Confucianism Taoism Buddhism Importance of relationships Taoism The universal force Buddhism Detachment from earthly life (spirituality)
Arts and Culture, cont. Literature Li Po Tu Fu These two are the most well known poets of the time.
Arts and Culture The Arts Terra-cotta figures Calligraphy Invention of paper
Connect to Today (pp. 430-31) Eating and drinking Philosophy Medicine Porcelain tea Philosophy Lao-tzu Medicine Acupuncture Herbal medicine Entertainment Kite Yo-yo Cards fireworks Inventions Wheelbarrow Collar harness Matches Clock Type compass
Here endeth the lesson