Heart Disease and Circulatory Problems
Heart Disease What is Heart Disease? Heart disease is a condition that weakens the heart and blood vessels. Heart Disease kills more Americans than any other disease!
Leading causes of death in the United States in 2013 Heart Disease 611,105 Cancer 584,881 Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease 149,205 Accidents 130,557 Stroke 128,978 http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/lcod.htm
Energy Drinks Causing Heart Disease http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/health/2012/10/23/monster-energy-drink-linked-to-five-deaths-fda-investigates/
Types of Heart Disease Arteriosclerosis- Is when a group of disorders in which arteries harden and become more rigid. Atherosclerosis- This occurs when fatty substances in the blood build up on the walls of the arteries.
Hypertension Hypertension is another term for high blood pressure. This is a condition in which the pressure of the blood on the walls of the blood vessels stays at a level higher then normal. Low Blood Pressure Normal Blood Pressure Hypertensive High Blood Pressure Blood Pressure Levels >90/60 120/80 <140/90 <180/110
Stroke A stroke is a condition that occurs when an artery of the brain breaks or becomes blocked.
Stroke Signs If you think someone is having a stroke have them attempt these three things. Smile Talk: ask the person to say a simple sentence (it is a sunny day today) Raise both arms If a person struggles with any of these items call emergency response immediately
Heart Attack A heart attack is when blood flow to part of the heart is greatly reduced or blocked
Treating Heart Disease Angioplasty- a surgical procedure where a tiny balloon is inserted into a blocked artery to clear a blockage.
Treating Heart Disease Valve Surgery- where a heart valve is replaced by an artificial one made of metal or plastic Pacemakers- an electronic device placed in the chest to regulate heart beats Medications Heart Transplants
Treating Heart Disease Bypass Surgery- this is one a vein is used to create a new pathway to supply blood where a blockage was.
What are some ways we can prevent Heart Disease? With a partner to the left and right of you create a list of 5 ways we could prevent heart disease. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)