Kingdom Animalia
Kingdom Animalia There are approximately 35 phyla that fall under Kingdom Animalia. We will be looking at the nine major phyla. We will go from least complex to most complex.
Phylum Porifera Sea sponges. Live in water Porous body that lets water pass through Sessile (cannot move). Attached to ocean bottom or rocks. Feed on whatever passes by through them. No defined digestive system. Symmetry: asymmetrical (no definite shape)
Phylum Cnidaria Live in water Body shape: radial (means they have many planes of symmetry/can be divided in half many ways) Body lining made of two layers with jellylike substance in between Incomplete digestive system: only one opening for food coming in/waste going out Stinging cells used for defence/capturing food Ex: Jellyfish
Phylum Platyhelminthes Habitat: Fresh and salt water, some on land. Flat bodies Some have incomplete digestive systems, others absorb food through skin Bilateral symmetry (only one way you can cut in half to get two of the same) Eyespots at front end to detect light. Ex. Flat worms, tape worms.
Phylum Nematoda Habitat: fresh & salt water, terrestrial Long, smooth bodies Complete digestive tracts (has mouth and anus) Bilateral symmetry Some are parasitic Ex. Roundworms
Phylum Annelida Habitat: salt & fresh water, terrestrial Segmented body, inside & out Complete digestive system Bilateral symmetry Ex. Earthworms, leeches
Phylum Arthropoda Habitat: All Largest phylum by far Segmented wings and jointed appendages (limbs) Bodies divided into three parts: head, thorax and abdomen. Complete digestive system. Exoskeleton (hard outer shell) which gives support and protection. Symmetry: Bilateral Ex: Insects, spiders, lobsters
Phylum Mollusca Habitat: fresh & salt water Soft, unsegmented body, usually within a hard shell Move by way of a strong muscular ‘foot’ Have a tongue-like organ called a radula which lets them to scrape food off rocks. Complete digestive system. Symmetry: bilateral Ex: Clams, snails, oysters, octopus
Phylum Echinodermata Habitat: all marine, usually live on ocean floor Spiny exoskeleton for protection & support Water-vascular system: water moves in and out of their body. Move by expelling water like jets. Complete digestive system. Radial symmetry. Ex. Starfish, sea stars.
Phylum Chordata Habitat: Salt or freshwater, or on land. Complete digestive systems. Bilateral symmetry. All have a dorsal nerve cord – becomes nervous system. Can be free (invertebrates), or encased in bone/cartilage (vertebrates). Fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds & mammals – we will look at these in more depth