Guided Notes – Notebook Check 1. Developmental Psychology 2. Unit 3 Lesson 2 Development 3. Unit 3 Lesson 3 Social Development 4. Unit 3 Lesson 4 Cognitive Development 5. Unit 3 Lesson 5 Moral Development 6. Unit 3 Lesson 6 Discipline Styles/Language Development
Open Note Exam Next Class Terms: Parentese Assimilation Accommodation Scaffolding Maturation Concept of conservation Separation anxiety Developmental Psychology Readiness Biological predisposition Reversibility Telegraphic speech Temperament Neonate Turn-taking Rooting Imprinting Contact comfort Terrible two’s Egocentric After compiling your notes go through and highlight each of the terms listed on this slide. This will make it easier for you to find info during the exam. This exam is multiple choice only. People: Margret and Harry Harlow Jean Piaget Lev Vygotsky Konrad Lorenz Stages of Development: Sensorimotor Preoperational Concrete operational Formal operational Styles of Parenting: Neglectful Permissive Authoritarian Authoritative Types of Discipline: Management techniques Power assertion Withdrawal of love
Memory – Intro Documentary