Public Relations in School Counseling Kierston Beets & Mark Scherschligt
Why Public Relations? Increased challenges for counselors when role is not understood Public relations helps clarify role 80% time in student services (ASCA) Advocate for program and counseling profession Public relations assist in showing purpose of program (Dockery, 2011) Provide important program information and resources School Counselors are leaders Increases collaboration With other professionals and stakeholders Inform community on counselor’s role and significance Board members, admin., parents, teachers, often have different ideas about the role of the counselor Often can lead to neglect of significant parts of counseling program due to varying expectations Often difficult to spend 80% of time in direct and indirect student service when role is not understood Advocating for profession helps counselors be allowed to focus on counseling duties vs clerical/admin duties Provide info such as resources, scholarships, etc. to serve program goals
Publicizing data and standards Sharing Standards and ASCA Model Positive impact on perception Data use to show positive impact of program Outcome data useful Process data can also be utilized Providing training to admin. on counselor role Teachers also could benefit from training Studies show that when teachers and administrators are exposed to the standards and expectations of the ASCA model they are more supportive of appropriate counselor roles.- Promoting School Counseling Through Marketing Programs and Roles (p. 3). “Professional school counselors are encouraged to continue to use data to indicate ways in which students are positively impacted by counseling programs and activities” (p. 4). Outcome data helps show the impact of the program Process data also shows role of counselor
Social Media Twitter Instagram Pinterest Facebook Snapchat Gauge your students Elementary-Facebook for parents Middle/High-Instagram or Snapchat for students Engage students, parents, and community in program Provide important resources and information Needs to be handled professionally and securely
National School Counseling Week #NSCW16 Monday ‘Happy National School Counseling Week’ Tuesday ‘Put the School in School Counselor’ Wednesday ‘Passion’ Thursday ‘Appreciation’ Friday ‘Reach Higher’ Monday - Activity Day. Have an activity set up somewhere central in the school that students and staff can participate in. Tuesday - Promote school counselor. Maybe have something students/staff can pick up that says school counselor over guidance counselor Wednesday - Why do you do what you do? Ask teachers and other staff to write on their board (or elsewhere) why the love teaching, being a paraprofessional, principal, etc. See if there is a time in the day students can also write about their passion (ie. Advisory/homeroom) Thursday - Goodies. Bring goodies for the staff/students that day Friday - College Day. Have students wear their college gear and take a selfie and post it with the hashtag #NSCW15 #ReachHigher and any other school hashtag
Website College/career Information Academics Community Resources Scholarships, career fairs, college visit days, financial aid, etc. Academics Program of Studies, links to standards, school mission statement, graduation requirements Community Resources Personal/social resources Groups, resources Counselor Calendar and contact information Counselor Standards/ASCA Model Counseling program mission statement Program outcome data MHS example- Know what your students need
Community Outreach Serving on the SITE Council Opportunity to advocate for program Active in volunteer organizations Organizing service learning Job shadowing/work study opportunities Community Agencies Prevention Task Force Health Department Police/Fire Departments When planning activities/programs reach out to those who can assist I.e. Career Day - Ask parents, but also ask students and reach out to the community when parents to meet the need
Programs in School Peer leadership groups Yellow Ribbon Character Education Healthy Schools After-school programs Bullying/Violence prevention Mindfulness PBIS Red Ribbon Week
Activities in School Career Day College Fair Last day of school! BBQ Track and Field Events Presenters Financial aid night Transitions
Board Presentation Promote the program/position Bring data Tell the board what you are doing for the school/district Bring data They want to see that proven growth Short, sweet and to the point Involve the administration Know the board And what their goals are
Advisory Council Great place to get ideas Different backgrounds for members Achieve goals Including PR Use as a resource for community connections Work to find ways to reach stakeholds
Writing Journals Magazines Blogs Write about what you know
Press Newspaper Local and school Establish relationship with local TV and radio stations District/school Newsletters
Professional Development American School Counselor Association Kansas School Counselor Association American Counseling Association Kansas Counselor Association Association for Counselor Education and Supervision American School Health Association National Mental Health Association Conferences Summer Camp! Speaking at district PDs
Resources National School Counseling Week - counselors-members/about-asca-(1)/national-school-counseling-week Potential organizations to be involved in - counselors-members/asca-resource-center/association-websites Article about promoting the program - your-program
Resources Counseling Blogs/Websites - counseling-sites.html Marketing your program - mark
References American School Counselor Association. (2012). ASCA national model: A framework for school counseling programs (3rd ed.). Alexandria, VA: Author. Dockery, D., J. (2011). Promoting school counseling through marketing programs and roles. American Counseling Association Conference. New Orleans, LA, March 26.