Using social media for advocacy Moving beyond #hashtagivism (but using that too) Some content from
What is social media? Social media is a lot of things. It’s job boards. Crowd-funding sites. Massively Multiplayer Online games. Video swapping platforms. And on and on and on
What is social media? You have defined it as any platform that enables relationships, interactions, and the ability to connect.
Social network Social networks then Social networks now Most interested in how it’s a social network and how you can use that social network to recruit and activate allies to support public school students, schools and educators.
Human History Most interested in how it’s a social network and how you can use that social network to recruit and activate allies to support public school students, schools and educators.
Our range of influence has increased exponentially
People use it Because we’re increasingly online. Nearly 3 in every 4 people in the United States use social networking sites according to the Pew Research Center. For your age group, Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram are the top three sites by far.
People Use It Often Well over half of you are using social media sites multiple times a day. Source:
Different Platforms Appeal to Different People Source:
How does social media help us BE the change we WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD? Choose and build the right campaign Get the word out Offer some “buy-in” from participants Offer some reward Measure the results
A scenario: Dick’s Sporting Goods 12 year old writes a letter to Dick’s sporting goods after receiving their catalog
A scenario: Dick’s Sporting Goods Dick’s Sporting Goods writes back.
A month later … Dick’s sporting goods responds.
Your Campaign for Changing the World one, small step at a time
Starting Your Campaign Start with YOUR passion
Starting Your Campaign Start with YOUR passion Keep it SIMPLE AND SPECIFIC
Starting Your Campaign Start with YOUR passion Keep it SIMPLE AND SPECIFIC Give them a TASK
Starting Your Campaign Start with YOUR passion Keep it SIMPLE AND SPECIFIC Give them a TASK Measure your results
Starting Your Campaign Start with YOUR passion Keep it SIMPLE AND SPECIFIC Give them a TASK Measure your results Document success
What do you want to change? …
Avoiding #hashtagivism
#Hashtag activism
It can work “Missouri would have convinced you that we did not exist if it were not for social media. The intensity with which they responded to protestors very early—we were able to document that and share it quickly with people in a way that we never could have without social media.” DeRay Mckesson
Sometimes it doesn’t #bringbackourgirls
Platforms for your message Dedicated website Facebook page Twitter account Instagram account …
How will you be evaluated Documented evidence of social media campaign Write-up, evaluation from every member of the group Presentation of your campaign on last two days of classes.