The Thirteen English Colonies
New England Colonies
Thin rocky soil made it difficult for farming New England Colonies Thin rocky soil made it difficult for farming
Rich in the following natural resources New England Colonies Rich in the following natural resources Timber Fish Whales
New England Colonies Mass Bay Colony Founded in 1630 for religious freedom for the Puritans By John Winthrop Economy was based on Fishing Fur trading Shipbuilding
New England Colonies Rhode Island Founded by dissenter Roger Williams after he was banished from the Mass Bay colony in 1636. Founded for complete religious freedom for all settlers.
New England Colonies Connecticut Founded by another Puritan minister named Thomas Hooker in 1636. Also leaving the Mass Bay colony, he began a colony based on religious and political freedom. The colony was also based on farming and trade.
New England Colonies New Hampshire Founded for trade and fishing. Founded by ?? John Mason as a planned fishing colony in 1629 John Wheelwright in 1679 After he was banished for defending his sister- in-law Anne Hutchinson.
The Middle Colonies
The Middle Colonies New York (1664) King Charles decided to expand the colonies by taking over New Netherland. Without firing a single shot the king’s brother, the Duke of York, captured the settlement.
The Middle Colonies New Jersey (1664) The Duke of York gave part of New York to his buddies George Carteret and John Berkeley. These two friends founded New Jersey.
The Middle Colonies Pennsylvania (1682) and Delaware (1704) King Charles II gave a section of land to William Penn to repay a debt owed to Penn’s father. Penn was a Quaker and wanted to start a colony based the Quaker beliefs. Delaware was founded later for farming and trade.
The Southern Colonies
The Southern Colonies Maryland Founded by Lord Baltimore in 1634 as a refuge for Catholics and Protestants. Maryland was a proprietary settlement, meaning that it was owned by a group of proprietors (owners).
The Southern Colonies North Carolina South Carolina Founded by William Berkeley in 1729 Proprietary colony South Carolina Founded by Anthony Ashley-Cooper in 1729 Proprietary colony Both colonies thrived on an economy of farming.
The Southern Colonies Virginia (1607) Founded by John Smith Credited as the first successful colony in North America. Founded for natural Resources and a quest for gold and riches
The Southern Colonies Georgia (1733) Founded by James Oglethorpe as a refuge for debtors (people who owed money). Georgia also was a key location to prevent Spanish attacks on the colonies.
Growth of the English Colonies