Complete How to Guide for examining significance Passage Analysis Complete How to Guide for examining significance
Significance Understanding and explaining the significance of a passage in a work of literature is a very important skill. There are three key points to remember:
No passage in a work is without significance All parts are there for a specific reason When you are asked to comment on the significance, you are being asked why the passage is important to a literary work.
Categories Significance falls under 3 main categories: 1. Character Does the passage reveal information about characters? If so state which character is being characterized by this passage.
2. Plot: Does it advance the plot? Provide foreshadowing? Provide background information? Set up or advance the conflict? 3. Theme: Does it state or demonstrate the work’s theme?
Literary Devices: Are there any literary or dramatic terms used? How do the literary devices serve to develop the significance of the passage?
When you are asked to identify the significance of a passage, you should look to see which of the three categories are represented in the passage. Once you have identified one or more you need to explain how the passage falls into the category. Refer specifically to the parts of the passage that you are talking about in your explanation.
Functions PLOT: Provide background information Establish setting Develop mood or atmosphere Advance or complicate the conflict Create suspense A passage in a literary work (such as a novel, play or short story) may be considered significant if it fulfills one or more of the following functions)
Character Introduce a character Provide character revelation Provide contrast between characters
Theme Suggest a specific theme Develop an important theme
Select only ONE Significance When you are required to state the significance of a passage do not attempt to paraphrase or explain the quotation You must select only ONE of the categories (plot or character or theme) and fully explain your choice with reference to the quotation and its context
Literary and Dramatic Terms After you have chosen what the significance is, find 2-3 literary or dramatic terms that help support your significance. You must then: Define the literary term Insert the line containing the term Explain how the term contributes to the passage’s significance
Follow the steps: Step 1: Read the passage carefully Step 2: Briefly explain the context of the passage. What is going on in the play at this time, what happened directly before or after that is significant?
Step 3: Describe the significance of the passage to the play as a whole. Think in terms of the elements of fiction: does this passage reveal key themes, is it important in characterization of a central character? Does it reveal key elements of the plot? Does it reveal or help further a central conflict?
Ensure * If you believe this passage is to develop a main theme, identify the theme that is being developed. * If you decide the purpose is to develop character, identify which character is being developed AND which specific aspects of the character are being developed. * If you decide the purpose is to develop the plot; identify which aspect of the plot is being developed. It might be the inciting incident or the climax, or you could say it advances the plot by building towards the climax, or by providing suspense, foreshadowing etc.
Step 4: Literary Analysis – select three literary devices that are evident within this passage. Then explain how each literary device contributes to the passage’s significance. For example, if you believe that the passage is significant because it develops the theme and you have found that there is a metaphor in the passage, you must explain how this metaphor works to reveal the theme.
Example Now, with a partner, follow these steps to analyze the passage provided. GOOD LUCK!