Multiple Intelligences There are all kinds of ways to be smart!!
What does it mean to be intelligent? What does it mean to you?
Intelligence There used to be only one way to define if someone was “intelligent”- an IQ test and score. Remember, Charlie’s IQ was a 68 pre-surgery and over 200 post-surgery! However, psychologist Howard Gardner decided this definition of intelligence was too narrow and that people can be intelligent in many different ways, not just one!
Theory of Multiple Intelligences Gardner decided that people can be intelligent in different ways and that a person can be intelligent in more than one way. He developed questions that you can answer that tell you what kind of intelligences you are more likely to have. Everyone has intelligence and there are no wrong answers!
Your intelligence types explain: 1. How you best show what you already know. For example, a visual learner might show what they know about the French Revolution with a timeline. 2. How you best learn new information. For example, a kinesthetic (bodily) learner might best learn about physics by actually building a swingset in shop class.
What are the different types of intelligences?
What are the different types of intelligences? 1. Musical “The Music Lover” Skilled a melodies, rhythm, etc. 2. Kinesthetic (Bodily) “The Mover” Skilled physically; learns best by moving and doing.
What are the different types of intelligences? 3. Interpersonal “The Socializer” Skilled at social interactions, works well with others, understands others 4. Verbal-Linguistic “The Word Player” Skilled with words
What are the different types of intelligences? 5. Logical-Mathematical “The Questioner” Skilled with reason, logic, and numbers 6. Naturalistic “The Outdoorsman” Skilled in making connections to things in nature
What are the different types of intelligences? 7. Intrapersonal “The Individual” Skilled in understanding inner emotions, feelings, etc. 8. Visual-Spatial “The Visualizer” Skilled with images, pictures, graphs, etc.
What types of intelligences do you have the most of What types of intelligences do you have the most of?? Visit class website ( to find out.