GHSGT MATH SWAP-OUT October 22, 2009 Session 1: Calculator Use with Numbers & Operations
Strands Strand 1: Number and Computation (17-19% of the test) These items test uses and properties of numbers, operations, computing with integers, decimals, fractions, percents, and proportions. Real-world applications include various aspects of using money as well as estimation and problem solving (e.g., which operation to use). Strand 2: Data Analysis (19-21% of the test) These items test use of exact and approximate numbers, probability, and ability to read and interpret graphs and tables. Statistical measures such as mean, median, mode, and range are also assessed. Strand 3: Measurement and Geometry (32-34% of the test) These items test estimation and determination of length, area, volume, weight/mass, time, and temperature. Understanding of similar and congruent figures, use of proportions to find missing measurements of figures, and use of scale drawings are also assessed. The ability to use a coordinate plane is tested, as well as geometric properties and figures, how to solve problems with angles, and use of the Pythagorean theorem. (Formulas are given when needed.) Strand 4: Algebra (28-30% of the test) These items test algebraic principles such as evaluating and simplifying algebraic expressions, solving equations, and working with ratios and proportions.
TI-30XIIS Due to increasing security issues, students are not permitted to bring or use their own calculators during the GHSGT. The model which will be supplied is the Texas Instruments TI-30XIIS.
& Press to clear the entry line or error message. Press to delete the character at the cursor.
This key is like a shift key and allows you to use the functions above each key in the pad
This key changes the sign of the value just entered. Answer: 1 To add -5 + 6: 5 6
GHSGT Example One day the temperature at 6 a.m. was – 7°C. By noon the temperature had risen 11 degrees. What was the temperature at noon? A.18°C B. 4°C C.-4°C D.-18°C Answer: B
Order of Operations Evaluate: 14 - 6(4 - 2) The TI-30XIIS uses Order of Operations to evaluate expressions. Evaluate: 14 - 6(4 - 2) Answer: 2 *Enter the equation into the calculator just as you see it above.*
GHSGT Example Answer: D
This is the fraction key This is the fraction key. It is used to enter proper, improper, and mixed fractions. To calculate : 2 3 1 4 7 Answer:2 5/21
This key converts an improper fraction to a mixed fraction as well as a mixed fraction to an improper fraction. To convert to a mixed fraction: 33 4 Answer 1:8 ¼ Answer 2: 23/4 Convert to an improper fraction: 5 3 4
This key changes a fraction to a decimal as well as a decimal to a fraction. To change ¾ to a decimal: 3 4 Answer 1: .75 Answer 2: 5/8 To change 0.625 to a fraction: 0.625
GHSGT Example Answer: C
This key is used to square a number. Answer: 144 To find 122: 12
This key is used to raise a number to a power other than 2. To find 53: 5 3 Answer: 125
This key is used to find the square root of a number. Answer: 6
To find 3% of 120, you can either change 3% to a decimal and then multiply. Or you can use the percent key as follows: 3% of 120 3 120 Answer: 3.6
GHSGT Example Pete sells hand carved decoys for 250% of the cost of his materials. If the materials for each decoy cost $5.60, what should be the selling price of the decoys? A. $8.10 B. $14.00 C. $16.20 D. $25.00 Answer: B
Discounts and Tax $250 item with a 5% discount 250 1 5 250 1 5 $250 item with 6% sales tax Answer 1: $237.50 Answer 2: $265 250 1 6
GHSGT Example Answer: B
These keys are used for scientific notation. & These keys are used for scientific notation. To enter 5 x 103: 5 3 To change 60,000 into scientific notation: 60000 Answer: 5000 *Make sure to change it back to FLO
GHSGT Example Answer: C