February 8, 2017 Bell-ringer Take two of the following sentences and expand them using as much detail as you can Jack’s phone rang. It was 2:00 in the morning. Jack got out of bed. He got dressed. He lit a cigarette and left his room. A cab waited for him in the street. **SATURDAY TUTORING: BENCHMARK MAKE-UP/missing assignment make-up
Objectives You will build background knowledge pertaining to Julius Caesar and William Shakespeare in order to make real world connections to text by utilizing technology and synthesizing information You will analyze several high scoring essays by color coding and identifying key elements in order to further develop your own writing style
SSR Book Projects Write a diary entry that one of the story’s main characters might have kept before, during, or after the book’s events. Remember that the character’s thoughts and feelings are very important in a diary. It should be at least 1 page long and fully describe an event in the book through the eyes of a character. Add a cover page to the diary that is colorful and relates to the character. with title and author
SSR Book Projects Create a sculpture of a character. Use any combination of soap, wood, clay, sticks, wire, stones, old toy pieces, or any other object. An explanation of how this character fits into the book should accompany the sculpture (5-7 sentences) Element Points Scuplture is creative 20 Explanation is 5-7 sentences Spelling Grammar Colorful & Well though out with title and author t
SSR Book Projects Create a comic strip version of your story. It should include at least 10 panels, be colorful, and neat. Make sure to include all story dynamics (setting, characters, exposition, rising action, conflict, climax, falling action, and resolution)
SSR Rubric
Mini-research rubrics NO WIKIPEDIA!!! (reliable sources: .edu, .org, or .gov) Due date: TODAY! Shakespeare Poster Rubric 2 points Title (large and colorful) 8 points Thesis present 10 points 4 pictures 2 reasons why we should or should not learn about him Statistics: birthday, place of birth, day of death, etc. 5 interesting facts 6 points 2 famous quotes 2 well-known works 5 points 5 original words (words coined by Shakespeare) Sources correctly cited in MLA format for images Sources correctly cited in MLA format for information Correct grammar Correct spelling Julius Caesar Poster Rubric 3 points Title (large and colorful) 8 points Thesis present 10 points 4 pictures 2 reasons why we should or should not learn about him Statistics: birthday, place of birth, day of death, etc. 5 interesting facts 6 points 2 famous quotes 2 well-known works 4 points 2 battles he fought in or led Sources correctly cited in MLA format for images Sources correctly cited in MLA format for information Correct grammar 5 points Correct spelling
Color Code Hook: pink Thesis: orange Examples: emotional—purple logical—green Counterargument: brown Call to Action: red Circle WOWs in blue Circle transitions in gray/pencil
What did you notice? Write down what you noticed about these essays? What did they have that made them so exemplary? What type of examples did they use? What do you LIKE about them?