Comp 2, LAP 2, Day 10 Finish essay information—body paragraphs and concluding paragraphs CQE activity Begin talking about paraphrasing—see p. 278- 280
Homework Write 2 paragraphs of your essay Start working on LAP Handout #5 Open Lab: Vocab Lesson 5 work is due J day; quiz is due K day. LAP 2 conference is due E day.
Conclusions Should be at least 3 sentences and include: Thesis 3 main points One of these methods: Call to action Tie back to introduction Quote Prediction Sample
Call to Action If you are interested in a career in public relations, go out and do your research! Be sure to find a good college, get to know people in the field, and start honing your writing skills.
Quote As the author Cory Doctorow once said, “It's not necessarily about what career you pick. It's about how you do what you do” (qtd. in Moncur).
Prediction Though a career in education may not be for everyone, those who choose this field will find themselves in a rewarding career that involves working with terrific students.
CQE Activity sample Usually I have them look at my sample and we label out where I’ve used the method, then they try to create their own CQE’s or label them in their own writing from last night.
Paraphrasing Must contain the same idea as the original quote, but use new words. Tips: Sometimes you may have to leave out one of the original ideas from the quote Often paraphrases have to be broader than the original quotes Try mixing up the order of the ideas in the quote; this will open up new word options for you
Sample “Teachers play an important role in fostering the intellectual and social development of children during their formative years” (“Teachers”). A. Teachers help their students to grow both intellectually and socially. B. Educators help their students to grow academically and to learn to work well with others.