Do now 11/13 Do you consider yourself to be a good “arguer?” Why or why not?
Should Not! Should! CRWP ON-Demand Arguments Day 2 - Writing
The Day 2 Writing Prompt Wild horses have become a subject of debate. Wild horses are protected by law, and yet the number of horses has increased so much that they cannot get enough to eat on public land. What do you think the Bureau of Land Management should do about the challenge of managing wild horses? Why? Write an argument. Use ideas and evidence from the reading packet to support your argument. Use what you have learned about citing and quoting sources in your writing The audience for your argument is the Director of the Bureau of Land Management. DIRECTIONS Take five minutes to review your reading packet, notes and planning page from Day 1. Use the space on the next page if you want to plan and organize before you write. Note that the direction invite students to review and continue planning. If you students didn’t finish their chart on the first day, the have another chance on the second day.
On-Demand Argument Plan Introduction Body ¶ 1 Body ¶ 2 Conclusion We recommended a 4 paragraph (or more) plan and response. This decision was made based on the student work that tended to develop strong body paragraphs that had purpose and focus in 4 paragraph responses. Often the 5th paragraph was repeated, summarized, or shifted to interesting topical information not related to the argument. We suggested students work with four strong paragraph plans since this was a time-constrained reading and writing setting. Additional paragraphs might be added with revision work, if the teacher chose that revision option for the lesson series.
Tips for Writing an Introduction Paragraph PROMPT & BACKGROUND: Tell the reader why there is a controversy about the problem (background can usually be found in Reading 1) Add an interesting detail STATE THE CLAIM Who: audience What: should or should not Why: because
Write a letter You can get personal. I am an animal lover. Dear Director of The Bureau of Land Management, Sincerely, Your Name You can get personal. I am an animal lover. I have a proposal. As I read about the problem,
What does a strong opening look like? [Rank ★★★ ★★ ★] 1. The Bureau of Land Management is seeking advice to manage the wild horses in 10 Western states. 2. In many Western states, the population of wild horses has grown. Their numbers have created a debate about how to manage them. 3. There are too many wild horses on the open range. It’s hard to overestimate the power of a good opener. Well-done, it sets a tone of confidence and skill that readers carry with them throughout the paper. Done poorly, the writing that follows have to recoup the losses. In arguments of policy, stating the problem with the policy is the best way to start. The problem with the second one is that the problem isn’t introduced before the solution is offered. Practicing naming the controversy helps students start strong and fast. Answers on following slide
What does a strong opening look like? 1. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is seeking advice to manage the wild horses in 10 Western states. ★★ 2. In many Western states, the population of wild horses has grown. Their numbers have created a debate about how to manage them. ★★★ 3. There are too many wild horses on the open range. ★ It’s hard to overestimate the power of a good opener. Well-done, it sets a tone of confidence and skill that readers carry with them throughout the paper. Done poorly, the writing that follows have to recoup the losses. In arguments of policy, stating the problem with the policy is the best way to start. The problem with the second one is that the problem isn’t introduced before the solution is offered. Practicing naming the controversy helps students start strong and fast.
Time to Write Introduction