Effects of the Revolution Urbanization The new efficient farming methods required fewer workers, so many people moved to cities to work in factories (urbanization). This is considered a migration of people.
Often numerous families would share small apartments in the slums called tenements. Garbage overcrowded city streets, spreading disease.
Poor Working Conditions Factory conditions were very harsh Poor Working Conditions Factory conditions were very harsh. Work was repetitive, boring, unsafe, unhealthy, and could last 14 hours a day, 6 to 7 days a week.
Women were paid less than men and children worked in the more dangerous jobs, such as cleaning the inside of machinery or in the mines.
New Class Structure Rich factory owners made up the new upper class New Class Structure Rich factory owners made up the new upper class. Doctors, lawyers, and teachers made up the middle class. Factory workers were known as the proletariat, or the working class.