Agenda: Monday 10/17 Collect Reading Assignment Judicial Branch Matrix Review CNN Student News HW: Reading Assignment (Read pages 306-312 Answer Q#1-5 on page 312)
Judicial Branch Matrix (Assignment #7) Review Card 1- Supreme Court: Both original and appellate jurisdiction (Judicial Review); 9 judges Card 2- U.S. Appeals Court: reviews the final decisions to district court; 3 judge panel Card 3- U.S. District Courts: original jurisdiction for cases within region; trial by jury; 1 judge Card 4- Court of International Trade Card 5- Court of Federal Claims
Judicial Branch Matrix continued Card 6- Federal Tax Court Card 7- Court of Appeals the Armed Forces Card 8- Election, Appointment, Merit Selection Card 9- Court of Last Resort: Hear all appeals on all matters of state law Card 10- Trial Courts of General Jurisdiction: handles most serious criminal cases and major civil disputes Card 11- Trial Courts: limited jurisdiction; specializes in minor criminal and civil cases
Judicial Branch Matrix continued Card 12- Senatorial Courtesy: allows Senators to block nominations to federal courts and their home states Court 13- Judges are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate Court 14- writ of certiorari- a document that the Supreme Court sends to a lower court ordering it to send up a complete record of a case is granted Court 15- Majority Opinions: state the reasons for a Supreme Court decision Dissenting Opinions: lay out the reasons for disagreeing with the majority Concurring Opinions: lay out reasoning that differs from the majority opinion, but reaches the same decision
Judicial Branch Matrix continued Card 16- Judicial Activism: the court has both the right and the obligation to over turn bad precedents and promote socially desirable goals Judicial Restraint: Judicial review should be used sparingly by the court and that elected officials should make policy decisions
CNN Student News Take out your “News Notes” Handout
Homework: DUE Tues/Wed Reading Assignment: Read pages 306-312 Answer Q#1-5 on page 312