Power point about plants Our plant! Power point about plants
The Plant Life Cycle We all might know the plant life cycle. It starts out as a seed then growing seed then sprout then stem comes in then at last we have a grown plant. But there is more than just a plant life cycle there is a tree plant cycle. Like a apple tree life cycle. See it starts out as a seed then a tree then bud ,flower and fruit.
Pollonation As you know polonation is a very important part of the world. Bees and bats and birds and also some butterfly’s they help pollanate our crops. That is one of the ways that will help us live. As now in days bees are disappearing but I think I know why. Since we depend on them they probably don’t have anything to eat, then they just starve to death. So keep bees safe.
A Plants Suger There is suger in plant. There is a thing called chloralplasts and sun and water and air all together is suger.
FUN FACTS This is what bees bump into. They are trying to get nectar but they bump into this. Then they go to flower to flower and it spreads.