By:Safa Farrukh & Selma Dajani Thamud By:Safa Farrukh & Selma Dajani
Who was Thamud? The story of Thamud was mentioned in Ayaat 23-31 of Surah Qamar. There were many tribes mentioned in this surah: People of Nuh, Ad, Thamud, and People of Lut. Thamud succeeded Ad and became a major power in Arabia. They were idol worshippers. People of Thamud lived in rocky mountains and fertile plains. Their houses were carved out of mountains. They were arrogant, oppressed the poor among them, and felt safe from any harm. From among them Allah(swt) chose a prophet named Saleh(as).
Prophet Saleh(as) Prophet Saleh(as) came from a noble family, he was a recognized person within the Thamud society. The people of Thamud were preparing him to become leader. After Prophet Saleh received revelation he urged his people to stop making mischief and to worship no god but Allah(swt). The people rejected God’s warnings and insisted that they will worship as their forefathers did before them. Ayah 24 of Surah Qamar states “For they said:A man alone from among us, we are to follow? Truly then we should be in error and distress!” In Ayah 25, the people called Prophet Saleh a liar. Allah replies “Tomorrow they will come to know who the liar is!”
A miracle The people of Thamud challenged Prophet Saleh to show them a miracle. They pointed to a solid rock and asked for a camel to come out of it requesting it to be 10 months pregnant, tall and attractive. Prophet Saleh questioned them whether they would believe in this message after they see this miracle and they agreed that they would. Few people believed but the majority continued to disbelieve. Prophet Saleh(as) told the people to take turns with the she-camel drinking from the well (Ayah 28). They were warned not to harm the she-camel in any way, or they would be in trouble.
The plot and the punishment Nine men plotted to kill the she-camel. The most evil among them took a sword and killed the camel. They challenged Prophet Saleh to bring upon them punishment. Prophet Saleh told them to enjoy their life for three more days(Ayah 65, Surah Hud) hoping they would change and repent:but instead they decided to kill Prophet Saleh too. After the three days were over the people went to bed feeling safe. On the third day Allah(swt) sent them a loud cry, and a mighty earthquake that overtook them that left them dead like dried twigs (Ayah 31). Later Prophet Saleh came back to the town talking to the dead bodies saying to them that he gave them the message and but they rejected.
Lessons learned We should not make the same mistakes the other arrogant people of Thamud made, To believe in the prophets/messengers Allah can do anything(Do not challenge Him). Not to be arrogant like Thamud and reject Allah at any point. To have fear of Allah(swt). To seek protection only from Allah(swt). Allah made the Quran easy to understand and remember.