Identify the main problem How to effectively teach a group of multi-age children who are at different physical, intellectual, emotional and social stages of development in the same class within a small rural school.
What is Autism? Lifelong developmental disabilities characterised by marked difficulties in social interaction, impaired communication, restricted and repetitive interests and behaviours and sensory sensitivities Spectrum of disorders ranging from low functioning and high functioning disorders
What are learning difficulties?
What are giftedness?
Key Features and Considerations Students in year 3 to 6 in the same class Rural school – limited resources A child with autism, 3 children with learning disabilities and 1 gifted child Second year teaching at the school Split up incompatible children and siblings
Questions What year are child with autism, children with learning difficulties and gifted child in? Are these children funded? Is there any additional staff support or parent support? How much experience has the teacher got? How many years have they been teaching for? Does the school have access to resources? If so, how many? What is the size of the classroom? Can it cope with many different year levels? How many children are in the classroom? Why are multi – classrooms better? What benefits have been found? How do multi-age classrooms impact on students’ ability to develop and reach their full potential? What are the differences in development between the 3 year levels?
Learning Theories Piaget Vygotsky Gardner
Funding Autism A diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder Significant deficits in adaptive behaviour Significant deficits in language skills assessed by a speech pathologists Money can be used to purchase resources and fund a teachers aide
Funding Learning difficulties Don’t receive funding Gifted child
Funding Rural School The Rural School Size Adjustment Factor allocation to schools is funded on a per student rate Funding is split into credit and cash and contains provisions for payroll tax, superannuation, relief teaching and professional development.
Rotations based on grade level - Alternative Solution
Vygotsky Learning is a result of interaction with others Tools of culture (particularly language) key factors factors of development Zone of Proximal Development – area between an individual’s current level of independent functioning and what they can do with scaffolding (appropriate help and support) Peer/assisted learning in cooperative and collaborative environment Adapting materials to students’ level and ability
Multiple Intelligences - Gardner Is the type of intelligence of a student and also the way the student learns best Types: Logical/mathematical Linguistic Musical Spatial (visual) Bodily kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic Existential
Streaming - Solution Children are put into made up of 2 students from each year level. Each student has group members who are older and at least one other student the same age The whole class works on the same topic but each children completes work that is appropriate for their ability. Therefore the teacher needs to select topics that have different levels of work within it.
Vygotsky highlights the social interaction in a collaborative and cooperative environment All children benefit in some way or another Grouping children of different ages and abilities together this results in peer learning. Older children can help the younger students, so this not only benefits the younger student as they are learning but also the older student benefits The more capable student is operating in the other student’s zone of proximal development It benefits the older student because teaching others is one of the best ways to understand knowledge. By teaching somebody else the student is synthesising and internalising the same knowledge. The older students act as a positive role model
Part of Vygotksy’s theory is that students construct their own knowledge instead of being given the required knowledge, so groups can co-construct their knowledge together.