Formulas Molecular formula represents the numbers and types of atoms in a molecule H2O, C6H12O6 Structural formula gives the arrangement of atoms 3-D models (just like they sound)
Types of Chemical Reactions Synthesis or Combination Decomposition or Analysis Exchange (double or single) or Displacement Reversible can go in either direction
Terms Electrolyte: substance that releases ions in water Acid: releases more H+ than OH- Base: releases more OH- than H+ pH: measures concentration of H+ Organic Compounds: contain carbon covalently bonded to hydrogen Inorganic Compounds: all the rest
Inorganic substances vital to cells WATER Most abundant compound Important solvent, heat stabilizer, and constituent of blood OXYGEN Needed for release of energy CARBON DIOXIDE Waste product of metabolism INORGANIC SALTS OR inorganic ions—multiple functions