After Entering Classroom… Make sure you are in the correct place…Algebra 1 with Ms.Naumann in room 200. Take 4 sheets from the front table and then… Find your assigned seat by looking at the seating chart placed on the front board. Make sure you are looking at the correct hour. Seats are numbered to help you find your correct seat quickly. Sit in your assigned seat with your papers, and pen or pencil and quietly wait for further instructions.
Welcome! Ms.Naumann Algebra 1
Warm Up 8/30 On your warm up sheet under today's date please tell me the following. 1) Your Name 2) The middle school you attended 3) One thing you want me to know *You have 5 minutes to complete the Warm Up
Welcome to Ms.Naumann’s Algebra 1 Class! Second year teaching Algebra at OPFI Graduate of Michigan State University GO GREEN! In my free time I enjoy cooking, spending time with family and friends, and learning new things.
Introductions Go around and say your name… Names will take time to learn, but I will try my best to know everyone's name as soon as possible.
Beginning of Class Routine… Come into class prepared, this means you have your math folder, book, and something to write with. I WILL NOT LET YOU IN THE DOOR IF YOU ARE NOT PREPARED. Grab papers from the front table (if needed), along with your calculator. Your calculator number is your seat number. (Not Today) Begin the warm up that will be posted on the front board. Warm up sheets will be handed out on Mondays, and collected on Fridays.
Syllabus and Quick Info Sheet You and a parent or guardian should read through the syllabus in its entirety. The last page in the syllabus is your first assignment. This will be due Friday September 9th Quickly lets talk about the information sheet…
Twitter Information Sheet Please Fill out the given information sheet to the best of your ability. This information will not be shared with anyone, unless you give me permission to post.
Classroom Rules and Expectations. Divide your piece of lined paper in half, and label as follows. What should I NOT do in class What should I do in class
Classroom Rules and Expectations. Individually write down 3 things on each side of your paper (3-5 minutes) After 5 minutes share with the person next to you. Add things to your list if needed. Circle your top 2 rules, or expectations as a pair. Be prepared to share out with the class.
End of Class Routine Turn in work (if needed) to the red basket on the front table. Place your calculator back into the correct spot. Clear area, and push in your chair. I will not dismiss the class until all calculators are put away, and classroom is picked up.