Start-Up Watch Open up your Chromebook and go to the following page: Sign in to Period I English II using the code for your period that is on the board. Click and hold the LOCK that appears at the beginning of the web address. Drag it down to your bookmarks bar. It will add a bookmark to this class page. Click on the assignment labeled “Start-Ups and Exit Tickets”
Start-Up In your Start-up assignment document, IN THE BOX LABELED WEDNESDAY, copy and answer the following question: Which do you find easier, working on assignments on paper or working on assignments on a chromebook? Why? What is it that makes it easier for you?
Mr. McElroy’s Webpage Go to the following web address: You should see the home page of my website with a picture of my son on it. Raise your hand when you see it. Now click on the tab at the top that says English II. Click on the file on the page labeled “Welcome to English II.”
Exit Ticket Copy and answer the following question: What is the best story you have ever read? What was it about it that made it good?