Wolf's Paw News Curriculum News Special for the Week Week of January 23, 2017 Q: When do astronauts eat their lunch? A: At launch time Curriculum News We appreciate your support of our 1st grade fun and special activity days to support the curriculum! Math – Unit: Measurement I can tell time to the hour and ½ hour. Reading – Theme: Read Like a Detective I can retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate their central message or lesson. I can identify who is telling the story. Anchor Text: Midnight on the Moon Basal Story of the Week: On Saturday Phonics - I can demonstrate an understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds—long division rule, digraph /ea,/ and the dropping rule. Grammar – I can distinguish shades of meaning among verbs differing in manner. Writing – I can use a graphic organizer as I produce a piece of writing. Social Studies – Unit: The Sun and Space I can participate in research and produce a product to share about a planet in our solar system. Upcoming Events and Dates On-going: BES has a parent resource center in the media center for your use. January 21 Saturday School for invited students January 25-February 3 Book Fair January 28 Saturday School for invited students January 30 Book Fair Family Night February 3 Due date for Disney on Ice permission slips and $$ February 4 and 11 Saturday School for invited students February 14 Pirate and Prince/Princess Valentine’s Party (more details later) Special for the Week A Day E Day B Day C Day D Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Math HW Monday and Wednesday/Spelling HW Tuesday and Thursday--test on Friday SPELLING WORDS: day, fly, trusted, weekly, campfire, blooming, under, myself, inside, problem, thought, where *BONUS: solar system ROBUST VOCABULARY: asserted, offended, retorted Friday